2023-08-20 6:43 AM
I'm trying to configure CubeMX to create a FatFS on an SD card using SDIO interface in STM32F103.
I was reading https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus/how-to-create-a-file-system-on-a-sd-card-using-stm32cubeide/ta-p/49830 but it's using SDMMC while I'd like SD card with SDIO.
Is there some tutorial or reading stuff for it?
Thanks for help,
2023-08-20 6:53 AM
The SDMMC peripheral supports both SDIO and MMC (hence the name SDMMC). That tutorial is using SDIO. That's what you want. Specifically, the "SD 4 bits Wide bus" setting selects SDIO, there are other selections for MMC.
2023-08-20 7:01 AM
Very Nice.