2021-03-23 6:21 AM
I have installed STM32CubeIde 1.6.0 and STM32CubeMX 6.2.0 on my Win7 64 bit PC using all the defaults and administrator rights. i have downloaded the MCU package and I am trying to run one of the projects from the Repository. The training video suggests navigating to the .project file and selecting this will invoke the STM32CubeIde? However all this does is give me an error message 'STM32CubeIDE (project importer_.exe - System Error, The program can't start because the api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling th program to fix this problem'. I have reinstalled the IDE and also run the windows system file checker, but that didn't find a problem. After messing about for a couple of days i have made no progress! I then thought it could be an issue with my PC, so i installed it on another Win7 PC and got exactly the same issue. After I ok the first error message it pops up another' Error loading Python DLL ... python39.dll. i assume this is related to python 3.9, which doesn't run on Win7?
Is this a bug or am I doing something stupid?
2021-04-04 9:21 PM
I have same problem with the STM32CubeIDE
I downloaded new api-ms-core-path-l1-1-0.dll and located System32 folder. then show another error.
my computer OS is Win7 64 bit, same as yours.
suddenly it happened ..
only thing that I know is there is one way to open that cproject file.
operate CUBEIDE, and file open project and select project. that works.
but it still has problem when I open cproject file.
2021-04-05 3:43 AM
After many days of frustration on 2 different PC's with similar problems, I gave up with Win7!
I upgraded to Win10 and everything now works as expected.
I did find some references that stated Win7 was minimum requirement, but then another one stating only supported on Win10?
I hope this works for you, I know how annoying it is
Good luck,
2021-04-05 4:11 PM
I couldn't find answer.
so I downgrade STM32CubeIDE into 1.5.1 . now it works
I think downgrade is only way to work in Win7....
Thanks for your reply~
if I figure it out then I will reply again~
See you
2021-04-06 2:00 AM
The problem seems to originate from api-ms-win-core-com-l1-1-0.dll that is only supported on Windows 8 and newer. Windows 7 doesn't support python 3.9. We have a ticket for this and the team is discussing how to proceed with this for future releases but no decision has been made yet.
2021-04-06 2:36 AM
Hi Markus,
Thanks for your reply.
My suggestion would be not to support Win7 but please make this very clear in the documentation or even better check Windows version when it installs to save others wasting a lot of time