2020-02-20 11:29 PM
Is there a way to make a cold start
(reboot) in C language in the STM32Cube Environment using a Nuclei board?
In other IDE's for other CPU's it was
possible to create a function that inserted a RESET assembler mnemonic for the
target CPU like this
void ColdStart(void)
Is it possible to archive the same om
ST's ARM cpu.
Do the HAL have a function all that do a cold start?
Perhaps it is possible to set a bit in some register?
Is the only way to start a watchdog and neglect to update the watch dog?
(the only watchdog i found was in the
ETH HAL module but it is not what I want)
If so, how is this done?
2020-02-20 11:36 PM
NVIC_SystemReset() ?
2020-02-21 1:57 AM
Awsome, looks like what we are looking for
Thanks a lot
There are a whole bunch of other NVIC functions close to it that will be handy