2016-10-07 12:21 AM
Hi All,
I made a project with CubeMX 4.16.1. I want to use FreeRTOS as a 3rd party lib. I generate the code to SW4STM32 because I use Eclipse CDT. When I want to compile it, I've got some error:First: in arm_math.h it needs stdint.h because there are a lot of uintxx_t. Second: thre is an error: &sharperror ''Define according the used Cortex core ARM_MATH_CM7, ARM_MATH_CM4, ARM_MATH_CM3, ARM_MATH_CM0PLUS or ARM_MATH_CM0''My questions are:- what is the main config file, where I need to define ARM_MATH_ version?- may I modify arm_math.h to include stdint.h, or is there any better place (header file)?thx,Zamek #cubemx-stm322016-10-07 7:43 AM
You should include arm_math.h and define in the complier preprecessor setup 'ARM_MATH_CMx': (refer to thishttp://www.keil.com/pack/doc/CMSIS/DSP/html/index.html
2016-10-09 12:39 PM