2016-01-20 8:01 AM
I am attempting to use the STM32CubeMX to generate a base project for the STM3240G-EVAL, specifically attempting to use the evaluations boards LCD. However when I enable the FSMC in CubeMX and configure it, the pins it assigns are in a different order then what the BSP and demonstration firmware use. I am unable to modify the arrangement of the pins, effectively making the code CubeMX generates useless. I have also tried enabling ''Initialize all IP with their default Mode'' when selecting the STM3240G-EVAL in the board selector and get the same pinout. Is there a way to change the assigned FSMC pins with CubeMX, or is this a bug in the definition file for the board that can be resolved? Pinout from STM3240G-EVAL Spec Sheet for LCD:/** FSMC GPIO Configuration
PE3 ------> FSMC_A19
PE1 ------> FSMC_NBL1
PE0 ------> FSMC_NBL0
PD7 ------> FSMC_NE1
PE4 ------> FSMC_A20
PB7 ------> FSMC_NL
PG10 ------> FSMC_NE3
PD6 ------> FSMC_NWAIT
PD0 ------> FSMC_D2
PG9 ------> FSMC_NE2
PD5 ------> FSMC_NWE
PD1 ------> FSMC_D3
PD4 ------> FSMC_NOE
PD3 ------> FSMC_CLK
PF0 ------> FSMC_A0
PF2 ------> FSMC_A2
PF1 ------> FSMC_A1
PF3 ------> FSMC_A3
PF4 ------> FSMC_A4
PF5 ------> FSMC_A5
PG5 ------> FSMC_A15
PG4 ------> FSMC_A14
PG3 ------> FSMC_A13
PD15 ------> FSMC_D1
PG2 ------> FSMC_A12
PG1 ------> FSMC_A11
PD14 ------> FSMC_D0
PD13 ------> FSMC_A18
PF13 ------> FSMC_A7
PG0 ------> FSMC_A10
PE13 ------> FSMC_D10
PD12 ------> FSMC_A17
PD11 ------> FSMC_A16
PD10 ------> FSMC_D15
PF12 ------> FSMC_A6
PF15 ------> FSMC_A9
PE8 ------> FSMC_D5
PE9 ------> FSMC_D6
PE11 ------> FSMC_D8
PE14 ------> FSMC_D11
PD9 ------> FSMC_D14
PD8 ------> FSMC_D13
PF14 ------> FSMC_A8
PE7 ------> FSMC_D4
PE10 ------> FSMC_D7
PE12 ------> FSMC_D9
PE15 ------> FSMC_D12
#stm32cubemx #stm3240g-eval #fsmc
2016-01-21 5:06 AM
Hi lorthioir.kenneth,
Thank you for your feedback. The issue has been reported internally.-Syrine-2016-01-21 9:14 AM
Dear user,
The pin names you find in the LCD module table correspond to the pins of the LCD module and not the pins of the MCU on the board. The list coming out of MX mentions the MCU pins on which the different FSM signals are connected. Best regards