2018-05-02 1:51 PM
When I press the 'generate the source code' button in MxCube a window pops up that says 'Open Folder', 'Open Project', or 'Cancel'. In the past when I would click on 'Open Project' it would take me to the instance of the IAR project that was already open. However, if the IAR project is already open, it open a new instance (rather than the existing instance). So, I end up having 2 windows of IAR open rather than just 1. Any ideas how to correct this?
Not sure why it use to open the existing instance and now it opens a new instance. I dont think I modified any of the settings.
Any ideas how to correct this?
‌#iar #stm32l100cdiscovery #stm32-iar #cubemx2018-05-05 6:40 AM
Hello Eli,
On my side I got used to do the folowing:
I hope this information will be helpful to you.