2020-07-30 1:51 PM
I have to report a bug. I cannot analyze the neural network in STM32CubeMX 1.3.0. I don't use 1.4.0 because they won't work with FreeRTOS.
How to repeat this issue:
As you can see, the mobilenetv2-7.onnx is the only file that can be analyzed with.
Thank you.
Operative system: Lubuntu Linux 20.04
Installation file: Generic Linux
IDE: STM32 CubeMX IDE 1.3.0
AI: CubeMX AI 5.1.0
2020-11-25 1:19 AM
Dear @Daniel Mårtensson
Could you please share you .ioc file and it's recommended to use the last available version of STM32CubeMX.
Best Regards,
2020-11-25 2:07 AM
Sorry. I don't have the .ioc file no longer.
You have to reproduce the issue by following these 1 to 6 steps.