2020-10-15 6:21 AM
In the attached .ioc file, when FreeRTOS V1 is enabled via Cube, the project does not compile and gives errors. The errors image is also attached.
Another thing is that the LCD clock must be set to 96.875MHz to work properly! The tipycal clock for my LCD is 25MHz. My hardware is STM32F779-EVAL and it uses 25MHz external resonator.
2020-10-15 6:26 AM
Hi @Slh
This will be internally checked.
Best Regards,
2020-10-15 6:44 AM
Using your ioc attached, no error detected : Build Finished. 0 errors, 0 warnings. (took 39s.952ms)
2020-10-16 12:25 AM
Hi @Khouloud Zemmeli
I downloaded the attached file to another system and the project was compiled without error. But when I downloaded it again in my system and created a project, the project was not compiled again and the errors that I attached in the previous post occurred. Maybe I should delete the Cache somewhere? I use STM32CubeIDE.
2020-10-21 5:49 AM
@Khouloud ZEMMELI
For this problem I found that the code generated from the same file (attached file in first post) is different on two PCs with the same version of STM32CubeIDE (V1.4.2). I have shown these differences in the attached photos. The difference between the two systems is that one is Windows 10 and the other is Windows 7, and the project created in Windows 7 is not compiled with errors that shown in first post.
Compare .ioc files:
Compare project files:
Compare header files:
Compare source files:
2020-10-21 6:42 AM
Not sure why I'm getting dragged in this. I'm not a CubeMX fanboy
"Another thing is that the LCD clock must be set to 96.875MHz to work properly!"
That would need to get derived from a secondary PLL.