2016-08-21 4:30 PM
I had built a project with cubeMX and I had been working on it.
I wanted to make a change in the configuration, so I ran CubeMX and re-generated the code.Only this time, CubeMX did not include the Drivers/Inc/stm32l4xx_ll_gpio.h file in the project.I need that .h file because I use GPIO_PIN_RESET and GPIO_PIN_SET macros, and I use LL_GPIO_ReadInputPort.Why would cubeMX stop copying the stm32l4xx_ll_gpio.h file to the project? #stm32cubemx-stm32l4xx_ll_gpio.h2016-08-22 2:23 AM
Hi hand.charles,
I submit your request to our CubeMx team to investigate why the current version of CubeMx doesn't integrate the ll_peipheral.h files the project workspace automatically. -Hannibal-