2018-08-27 7:55 AM
hey I tried to write a code that waits for sd card to be inserted to the micro-contorller
something like this:
while (FR_OK != f_mount(&SD, "", 1));
the problem is that even after I insert the sd to the micro-controller f_mount keep returning FR_DISK_ERR.
I tracked the problem back to this function:
DSTATUS disk_initialize (
BYTE pdrv /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */
if(disk.is_initialized[pdrv] == 0)
disk.is_initialized[pdrv] = 1;
stat = disk.drv[pdrv]->disk_initialize(disk.lun[pdrv]);
return stat;
the obvious problem with this code is that disk.is_initialized[pdrv] is set to 1 without checking the return value of disk.drv[pdrv]->disk_initialize(disk.lun[pdrv]) to know if it failed or not.
this seems like a bug so I'm reporting it..
this function generated by STM32CubeMX Version 4.26.0 in STM32Cube/Repository/STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.11.0/Middlewares/Third_Party/FatFs/src/diskio.c:91. although it is under fatfs this isn't part of chan's fatfs module but rather part of STMicroelectronics code.
I solved my problem by adding those lines to my code before the while loop:
extern SD_HandleTypeDef hsd1;
extern Disk_drvTypeDef disk;
hsd1.ErrorCode = 0;
disk.is_initialized[0] = 0;
hope it will help someone and that it will bel fixed it in the next version...
2021-01-25 1:48 AM
Same issue is still there in HAL 1.25.2 for F4. You solution fixes my issue also. Cheers
2021-02-12 1:53 AM
same problem for the WB55 ?
2022-09-22 4:58 AM
STM32CubeF7 Firmware Package V1.17.0 from 10-June-2022.
The error has not been fixed.