2019-10-31 8:55 AM
STM32F429 Nucleo-144 and STM32F413 Nucleo-144 are there, but no 439...
Applies to both stand-alone CubeMX and CumeMX within STM32cubeIDE.
Windows 10, IDE v1.1.0, CubeMX v5.4.0.
STM, Please confirm you have checked and ticketed this,
Best Regards, Dave
2020-01-06 1:41 PM
@Amel NASRI ? @Markus GIRDLAND ? Anybody there???
2020-01-06 11:57 PM
Last update is that MX doesn't have support for it yet so it will most likely not be in the upcoming release of CubeIDE. Currently it's targeted towards the one after that.