2022-03-23 4:46 AM
Hello everyone.
I'm currently using STM32CubeMonitor in an industrial point of view, developing and implementing TEST machines connecting STM32 uC to PLC and/or other data software layers.
I'm used to Node-RED, so using STM32Cube Monitor is not an issue to us, but this is not true.
When exporting a flow at stm32cubemonitor and import thar flow on the same machine or other machine running STM32CubeMonitor, the dashboard widjets, formats, colors and other settings changes.... but not in a systematic way. It can occur or not...
Has workaround, if copy the flows.json file from (linux) /.STMicroelectronics/stm32cubemonitor/flows.json and replace the current file for the new on and reboot stm32cubemonitor, everything works fine as expected.
This is a very annoying issue and does not occurs on native Node-RED....
We cannot trust on import and export flows functionalities on STM32CubeMonitor but can trust on Node-RED :\