2022-12-03 6:37 AM
Hello, after selecting the .elf file I get hundred of messages of this type:
GDB Cmd [print /x & arm_cfft_sR_f32_len128.pTwiddle] failed
Error: Address of symbol "arm_cfft_sR_f32_len128" is unknown
and similar, all related to CMSIS.
After I ack all of these errors the import restarts with the same errors, only way out is by killing the program via process manager.
All OK when variable addresses taken from .map are inserted, big pain but OK.
What can be done?
I'm aware of STMCubeMonitor, tried it but it looks like it's a joke, or at least not what I need. I just need a scope and a table to read and write variables. AFAIK CubeMonitor does not even have vertical scale adjust, just to mention the first showstopper.
I'm shure that 99% of people share my needs.
BTW STMCubeMonitor could conveniently be replaced with a binding to Python or whatever, then everybody chooses his own gui, framework etc.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2023-06-12 6:28 AM
Hello Piotr,
this is great news. I will check it ASAP. ST should support your work.
Thank you, I will report.
2023-06-23 2:59 AM
Hello Piotr,
I'm checking your tool but I can't find the .deb or the Windows installer that are mentioned in the readme file.
Am I missing something or is it just a matter of waiting for them to be ready?
Thanks again
2023-07-03 7:32 AM
Hello Alberto,
I'm sorry for a late response - I think I must have missed the email. You should proceed to Releases page of the repo, vertical bar on the right side of the repo website. The latest version is 0.1.2.
2023-07-04 6:16 AM
Thanks Piotr.
Testing the Windows release right now.
I am not able to add variables. Using a global variable and checked for its presence in .map file.
I press "Update variable address", a black window flashes for a moment but its address remains "NOT FOUND!".
Same .elf, same variable don't give any trouble in STM-Studio.
2023-07-04 10:04 AM
Thanks for a quick response! Would you be able to provide the *.elf file you've tried? I will look into that.
Do you have GDB installed and added to your PATH? You can check it by typing gdb in the windows cmd.
2023-07-05 7:37 AM
This is a link to the elf file: https://we.tl/t-Uua8jDQ3W2
Try to visualize the uint32_t variable named TestGlobalVar
gdb is installed and PATH is ok.
2023-07-05 12:26 PM
Thank you, Alberto!
I think this variable might be unused and maybe you have some optimization turned on? I can see STMStudio sees it, but it's address is invalid (0x00).
Other variables seem to work fine in STMViewer:
Though it's an interesting case that STMStudio sees it. I think it depends on the GDB version (STMStudio provides it's own GDB). I will investigate that. In the meantime, please let me know if other variables are working fine.
2023-07-07 8:53 AM
Piotr, unfortunately I can't make it find the address of any variable, like SendGreetings.
I will do more tests next Monday, for now what I tried is:
Substitute / with \ in the .elf path
Put the .elf in the StmViewer.exe folder and load it without \ or /
Put the .elf in C:\ to have the path as short as possible
insert the variable's name with or without the trailing space that is inserted when "add var" is pressed
Thanks again and have a good weekend
2023-07-09 11:37 PM
Would you be willing to switch to email so that we don't spam too much here? We will post the final solution when the problem is solved. You can contact me using: piwasilewski@interia.pl. Also could you attach the logfile? It is located under C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\STMViewer\logs.
2023-07-11 12:32 AM
In the future I will certainly do so.
But for now it's not needed because I was able to make it work.
It was just a matter of using another version of GDB. I was using 11.2, now it is 13.2, from https://github.com/brechtsanders/winlibs_mingw/releases/download/13.1.0-16.0.5-11.0.0-ucrt-r5/winlibs-i686-posix-dwarf-gcc-13.1.0-llvm-16.0.5-mingw-w64ucrt-11.0.0-r5.zip
I will report later, thanks for now.