2023-02-17 10:40 PM
hello ,
I cannot seem to plot any variables when initiating start acquisition , I am using the StLink v2 mini programmer ,even blinked the programmers led using STM32CubeMonitor's interface to double check connections ,using stm32cubeide as my IDE . What I noticed is that my listed variables seem to be grayed out for some reason as I have not come across this problem in tutorials and nobody seems to even address that this issue could arise , In my stm32cubeMx project I used Serial wire as Debug instead of Trace Asynchronous SW . Can someone please point out my mistake ? below is the project snapshot with grayed out variables
2023-02-17 11:21 PM
The .elf is outdated. Click the pen icon right to the .elf for updating.
2023-02-17 11:52 PM
Thanks ,@KnarfB but I've tried that , it still grayed out any other idea ?
2023-02-18 12:20 AM
Also could it be a problem with stm32f401 blackpill that im using ?
2023-02-18 2:59 AM
Don't think so. Because the .elf on your host will be parsed.
Does it work, did you deploy and start the dashboard. Looks like it is always grayed-out in this view.
2023-02-18 4:18 AM
Yes Sir , I did deploy it , and used the dashboard , as I said nothing on the plot , then I checked these variable list and its grayed out , so this must be the cause , any other way I can help you better troubleshoot this ? Im trying to plot accelerometer readings .
2023-02-18 5:15 AM
Grayed-out is not a show stopper. Have the same here. Depends on which of the 2 myVariables you are clicking. The first has the box with the .elf and you selct in the .elf window. The second has the variables not grayed-out. Even with all this, it works fine for me, I see real 6-channel ADC data in my project.
The Documentation is terse about that. If you selct the help "book" icon, it says:
Variable list array
The Variable list summarizes the list of variables in the scope of this "variables" group node. It can filled by either selecting an Executable configuration (refer above) or by manually adding some custom variables
2023-02-18 8:52 AM
Exactly , your right theirs not much to it .
2023-02-20 2:20 AM
About the grayed variable :
The variables are grayed because they are imported from the symbol file (ADXL_Sensor.elf). If you add manually variable with the "+ Add custom variable" button, the variable will be editable.
When the variable are imported from the symbol file, the name address and type are defined in the symbol file, and should not be modified.
When user need to customize a variable, the variable should not be ticked in the list of variable imported from executable file, but added manually with the "+ Add custom variable" .
So the grey is not an issue and is normal behavior.
Points to check
Let us know the result of your tests : if you solve the problem, it will be helpful to know how, and if it is not solved, it will give us some hints to help.