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STM32MP135F-DK - Netx Duo WebServer - unable program application to STM32MP135F-DK



I am able to compile Nx_WebServer demo. But when I try to run/debug it will halt.

I read all notes in NetXDuo/Nx_WebServer/readme.html - the last chapter "How to use it ?"

  • Open your preferred toolchain
  • Rebuild and run DDR_Init example to initialize the DDR memory
  • Rebuild all files and load your image into target memory
  • For STM32CubeIDE, in order to keep DDR initialized, please remove “monitor reset” line in “Debug Configurations->Startup>Initialization Commands”
  • Run the application

But I end on red line - unable load image - Where could be problem ?

I am able to compile and debug another aplication ftom STM32Cube_FW_MP13_V1.0 like UART, ADC examples withou error.


Error in final launch sequence:


Failed to execute MI command:

target extended-remote localhost:3333


Error message from debugger back end:

Remote communication error. Target disconnected.: (undocumented errno 10061).

Failed to execute MI command:

target extended-remote localhost:3333


Error message from debugger back end:

Remote communication error. Target disconnected.: (undocumented errno 10061).

Remote communication error. Target disconnected.: (undocumented errno 10061).


Console log:

Info : SWD DPIDR 0x6ba02477

Warn : target STM32MP135FAFx.ap1 examination failed

Warn : target STM32MP135FAFx.axi examination failed

Error: Could not initialize the APB-AP

Warn : target STM32MP135FAFx.cpu examination failed

Info : gdb port disabled

Info : gdb port disabled

Info : starting gdb server for STM32MP135FAFx.cpu on 3333

Info : Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections

Info : accepting 'gdb' connection on tcp/3333

Error: Target not examined yet

Error executing event gdb-attach on target STM32MP135FAFx.cpu:


Info : New GDB Connection: 1, Target STM32MP135FAFx.cpu, state: unknown

Error: Target STM32MP135FAFx.cpu not examined yet, refuse gdb connection 1!

Error: attempted 'gdb' connection rejected

shutdown command invoked


Best Regards



Dear @DBELL.1 

I have also tried to comment out creation of DHCPClient and appropriate callback

318: // ret = nx_dhcp_create(&DHCPClient, &IpInstance, "dhcp_client"); in app_netxduo.c

350: // ret = nx_ip_address_change_notify(&IpInstance, ip_address_change_notify_callback, NULL);

392: // ret = nx_dhcp_start(&DHCPClient);

Note: Also commented error handler for each statement "if (ret != NX_SUCCESS) {...}"


At end of initialization code in function UINT MX_NetXDuo_Init(VOID *memory_ptr) i put these lines:

ret = nx_ip_address_get(&IpInstance, &IpAddress, &NetMask);


and it will report correct IP address...

So I suppose that IP was set and should be working. But application is still not working... What must I do to use static IP instead of using DHCP client ?

Best Regards


ST Employee

hello @ravo ,

This question seems to be a tricky one.
I asked some specialist people.
And I will post an answer as soon as I have it.


Dear @DBELL.1 ,

thanks for your support.

And in meanwhile I browse source code again and found

line 398:

/* wait until an IP address is ready */
if(tx_semaphore_get(&Semaphore, TX_WAIT_FOREVER) != TX_SUCCESS)

When I remove waiting for this semaphore it will continue in App_Main_Thread_Entry and finish initialization of WebServer application.


So now it seems all works fine.

I will wait for your answer... if I need only these lines remove... or if there better way, some #define or etc.


ST Employee

Hello @ravo ,


I didn't receive any lowlight from expert about your modification.
So I guess, it's fine and you can go with it.


Dear @DBELL.1 ,

thanks for all.

Maybe there was some incompatibility with dhcpserver downloaded from 

This will hang somewhere in initialization sequence.

Now with HW router with enabled DHCP or using STATIC IP address all works fine.


