2019-05-13 1:53 AM
In my TrueSTUDIO workspace I have some unit tests which run on PC. Hence these are built using the "Atollic PC Tools" tool-chain. In STM32CubeIDE I cannot find this or anything similar. Did I miss something, will it be added later or am I left to define a custom tool-chain?
So far this has stopped me from migrating to STM32CubeIDE.
2019-05-13 7:55 AM
There are two toolchains that are shipped with the installer, GNU Tools for STM32 and the standard GNU Tools for Arm Embedded Processors.
You can read about what the modified toolchain does here.
2019-07-16 5:49 PM
All very good to know what's been fixed in the two available toolchains, BUT, how do you select one and implement it? I am getting error message "Please install STM32CubeIDE toolchain to open the project" when the STM32CubeIDE is invoked by SMT32CubeMX "Open Project".
2019-07-18 10:37 PM
It seems that CubeIDE doesn't have PC tool-chain.
I installed manually PC tool-chain(MinGW64) and add path to environment variables.
I created C/C++ Project -> C Managed Build, and selected toolchains "MinGW GCC" for unit test project.
2019-07-19 3:21 AM
One should be selected by default. You select by right clicking the project and choosing Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Toolchain version.
I'm a bit confused regarding the "Open Project" part, when does CubeMX invode CubeIDE?
2019-07-19 3:08 PM
"I'm a bit confused regarding the "Open Project" part, when does CubeMX invode CubeIDE?"
The Motor Control Workbench calls STM32CubeMX, where you define which IDE you want to use, then it allows you to generate the code. Once it has the code generated, it asks you to open the project. This invokes the IDE you specified, STM32CubeIDE in this case. However, I get the error message "Please install STM32CubeIDE toolchain to open the project" at this point. I don't know where to find a toolchain and how to make the STM32CubeIDE recognize it.
The only place I found to specify which Toolchain/IDE to use is in STMCubeMX Project Manager - Project Settings, but that doesn't help eliminate the error message.
2019-07-22 2:52 AM
Do you have STM32CubeIDE installed? If not you will first need to download it from the ST website. You can find the link to download it here.
I just tried to generate a project for CubeIDE using MX and then clicking "Open Project" and it worked for me. So if you do have STM32CubeIDE installed already then you shouldn't get that error message.
2019-07-22 6:31 AM
Yes, SMT32CubeIDE is installed. When I generate a project using Motor Control Workbench and STMCubeMX, I click "Open Project", it says "Please install STM32CubeIDE toolchain to open the project". I have also "GNU Tools for Arm...", "IAR Workbench for ARM" (that works properly), and all the ST applications like MC_SDK_5.4.1, STM32 ST-LINK Utility, STM32CubeMX, STM32CubeProgrammer, STM32CubeMonitor-RF, stlink_server, Motor Profiler 5.4.1. These all work fine, it's just STMCubeIDE that fails. What is the SMT32CubeIDE Toolchain, where is it located and how do you install the Toolchain?
2019-07-28 7:34 AM
I am afraid I don't know how to add a path to environment variables. Also, I am not creating a project from scratch, rather loading the sample program that is already set up. If you could, it would be much appreciated if you could provide a bit more detail on how to proceed.
2019-08-02 11:09 PM
I installed MinGW-w64 for Windows. It can be downloaded from here.
See this link to add a path.
And I attached a sample project based on CppUTest. Please refer it.