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Where is ISR vector table and C startup file in CubeIDE?

Associate II

Hi, where can I access the ISR vector table and C startup file in cube IDE? In Atmel Studio it's listed in startup folder as startup_sam but I can't find it in cube.


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Associate III

The startup file is an s-file found in Core/Startup. The vector is stored in flash and called g_pfnVectors. For the length of the vector table you can count the number of items in this table (and multiply by 4 to get the the length in bytes), or check the datasheet/manual (sometimes you need to know the exact processor/device category for the size).

In C/C++ you can use it like this:

extern uint32_t g_pfnVectors[VECTORTABLE_SIZE/4];

If there is a clean way to get VECTORTABLE_SIZE I'd like to know it. I successfully moved the table to RAM using VTOR (examples can be found in ARM documentation). Make sure the table in RAM is aligned properly. Cortex-M CPUs require the vector table to be aligned to a boundary width of the lowest power of 2 that will fit the entire vector table.

I dont see any a startup folder or s files in core folder in ide.

Hmm, I made a different project but used the "include library" button and it comes up now, interesting. For atmel studio the vector table is a struct given a section name which is placed at a certain address by the linker.

In the main repository these things live in the CMSIS Device tree


Projects have the appropriate instance, so you can edit/modify those


Sorry not using CubeIDE or CubeMX autogen tools here

Size is computed, so probably available symbolicly, or you could compute in linker script also

  .section .isr_vector,"a",%progbits

 .type g_pfnVectors, %object

 .size g_pfnVectors, .-g_pfnVectors

I tend to use the symbol to set SCB->VTOR, avoids a lot on nonsense seen in system_stm32xyz.c and SystemInit() code

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It wasn't always in Core/Startup. It used to be in its own Startup folder. No doubt expanding all folders or doing a search would reveal it. It would also be listed when you compile the project, if it exists.

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