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Were are the examples for NUCLEO-H753ZI

Associate III

I wanted to use STM32CubeIDE with the NUCLEO-H753ZI and to my surprise there are no examples in the list to pick from. I there a !:1 compatible board? I was able to make my own example but would like to see some ST demo solutions.

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

You can have both. Use the standalone CubeMX, generate for Keil.

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

The Nucleo H743 examples in the Cube repo and on github should be configured for the new board (ZI2) and work as is, all needed defines should be already in the projects.

If not so, please post a bug report.

Is there a gihub link to a project workspace that presumably would just work? I'm using the project wizard in the IDE.

Associate II

MMmm, but where is the code for the preloaded demo that blinks the three LEDs at three different frequencies and switches between them when pushing the button? That looks like a great place to start, but I can't find it.