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USBX on STM32C0 incomplete?

Associate III

Hi All,

I have previously experiemented with USB HID mouse coding on STM32F0 series and got code working very quickly.

However, I am now trying to get the same going using USBX on STM32C0. My application has been built in MX but wouldn't enumerate. I asked ST if they could take a look at my code, which they did, and said that I needed to add some code to app_usbx_device.c to configure the endpoints and a periodic call in main(). It now enumerates fine and although they didn't say as much I presume its absence in the MX build is a bug as MX knows exactly which endpoints I need enabled.

The applications engineer finished his email by saying 'and now you should be able to send reports' without elaborating. There's no USBD_HID_Mouse_SendReport function in the code that MX built as I would normally expect and am having extreme difficulty figuring out how to do it myself due to inexperience on my part.

My question is whether I have perhaps started too soon with C0 when the MX provision isn't complete? The STM32CubeC0 code was only released recently (I'm using vesion 1.4.0) and perhaps the absence of USBD_HID_Mouse_SendReport is also a bug.

For sure, the code doesn't work straight out of the blocks as the F0 code did so it seems it may be incomplete. I did ask the applications engineer but he hasn't replied.

Thanks for any insight.