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Update STM32CubeIde to version 1.4.2 offline

Senior II


I have STM32CubeIde installed, on 2 PC, one with internet, the other not.

Today, I just update my Ide to version 1.4.2 within the IDE. But I could not found this version to download to install it on my offline PC. Only version found on STM32CubeIde web page is 1.4.0 :(

I need it because I have in IOC file generated with CubeMX 6.0.1 witch is not integrated in IDE 1.4.0. I have an error when trying to open it.

I CANNOT connect my offline PC to the internet!

Thank you

Senior II

STM32CubeMX version 6.0.1 can be download from ST web site, as a standalone application.

But it is the 6.0.0 version that is integrated in 1.4.0 IDE. And a cannot find IDE 1.4.2 on the web site! I can only update my 1.4.0 version.

Are you completely blocked from progress in the project until you can install 1.4.2 on the other computer? If not, then a new version with a full installer will be available around late November.

The goal is for all future releases to also be on the website but for 1.4.1 (and later 1.4.2) they didn't get added so there's no way of upgrading offline.

No, I'm not blocked. I can use CubeMX 6.0.1 out of CubeIde. It is just that I prefer have same version on the two cumputer.

So it is not possible to download just the updater (like a .pack for firmware package)?

I can wait until November

Thank you

Yeah, I can understand that it would be better to have the same version on both computers. Unfortunately it's not possible to download just the updater. For future releases, including the upcoming one in late November, we will be sure to make them available on the ST website.

Associate II

Isn't there any other method to get a offline installer for 1.4.2?

I guess the updater itself will have to downlowd it to some temporary folder.

I am asking because I need to store the build tools used for our software releases, I have used 1.4.2 but now I cannot get those installers for that specific version,

There isn't a method at the moment, no.

You mean that the software releases you do needs to be paired with the CubeIDE version that was used in creating that release? And then you save that in a directory somewhere?

Yes, that's it.

I need to be able to store the tools needed to make the same build in future.

Okay, I see.

Unfortunately, I can't provide an installer for 1.4.2 as we don't have one and creating one would take too much resources from the development team with re-building, signing and validating.

Are you planning on migrating your project to the next release of CubeIDE?

I would migrate to the next release, but it looks like the timing might not be compatible.

I will consider moving back to 1.4.0, at least I will try to make some tests next week