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Unable to copy project and then try to open IOC file


Hi, I noticed that it is not possible to copy the project and then try to open the IOC file. Causes this error:

Invalid Input: Must be project's active .ioc file.

Project's 'F407_BugTest_copy1' active one is 'F407_BugTest_copy1.ioc' file


But if the name of the IOC file is changed manually, with the same name as the project, then no error occurs:


Chief II

> I noticed that it is not possible to copy the project and then try to open the IOC file. 

the project name is name of (top) folder and associated ioc file. 

you CAN copy this, but afaik all operating systems not allowing same name for a copy - so you change name of project (= top folder) and then need to change ioc name to same...whatever name now.

but copy might be anyway no good idea, because if path and folder structure have fixed paths, you have to change and control manually.

project import / export might be better way.

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The IDE allows you to copy, so the least the IDE should do is make the project functional.

yepp, your right. government should make live more easy, not more difficult - also.

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