2021-02-03 7:57 AM
Hi all, 10 months ago my colleague, Mike, introduced here a startup that provides free remote access to MCU boards and asked for feedback.
Those days it was available only via invites…
Nowadays it is available for all!
There you can find even the very latest L5 boards. Currently, just a few models but dozens of instances are available and we are increasing a set of boards step by step. And STM32CubeIDE now is also officially supported.
If you like the idea to have free remote access to different evaluation boards remotely, free of charge, please try it and leave feedback. They are still the most important thing for me.
Could you try it and share your ideas?
Thank you!
2021-02-03 9:07 AM
2021-02-03 9:38 AM
Wow, you found it!
2021-02-03 1:09 PM
It's really surprising that all your boards are not bricked yet :)
2021-02-03 2:37 PM
Is setting RDP2 blocked?
2021-02-04 5:06 AM
@Pavel A. Maybe we were just too lucky =) We opened this service for all not so long time ago and did just a few mass events on the platform. I guess not so many users yet and still nobody who really want to brick our boards. Do you know a way how to minimize chances to such a scenario?
2021-02-04 5:07 AM
@Uwe Bonnes , do you know any way to block it?
2021-02-04 5:57 AM
I've thought about exactly same thing that Uwe Bonnes ;)
2021-02-04 6:00 AM
> Do you know a way how to minimize chances to such a scenario?
Require your users to authenticate and be accountable for damage. Because of this I've suggested to NOT make your free service available to everyone. For everyone you can have something else: good, powerful hardware emulation.
-- pa
2021-02-04 6:07 AM
We have implemented some protection. But, you know, not absolute :)
Currently, I don't know what will happen first - either we find some way to grant the block or somebody brick some part of the hardware and we will stop sharing such boards. Hope new boards will provide some way to solve the issue. But yes, I can't sleep in a calm yet :)
Being accountable - yes, it is good advice. Currently, I just worry it will complicate using of the service. But yes, it is the most realistic way for now. Thank you.