2025-03-03 3:46 PM
When attempting to configure TIM1 channel 4 to "PWM Generation CH4 CH4N" to operate on PE15 for the eval board, the code in tim.c will include the following:
However, the definition used, GPIO_AF3_TIM1, is a HAL library definition instead of "LL_GPIO_AF_3", which is the correct LL definition (in both cases, the value is 0x3h). If both the HAL and LL drivers are used, this may still compile, however if only using LL drivers without the HAL, it will throw a compile time error.
2025-03-03 11:26 PM
Hello @jackalope ,
First let me thank you for posting and welcome to the ST Community.
Your request is under investigation, and I will get back to you ASAP.