2021-02-19 5:15 PM
When you go the Tool Settings tab in the Project Properties you are only able to select Thumb2 for the instruction set.
Is it intended or is there a "hidden" way to switch to the ARM instruction set ?
2021-02-19 5:47 PM
And the value of doing so in this context would be what?
Does the CM4 support ARM instructions?
2021-02-20 4:59 AM
That switch becomes useful if you happen to be programming for a processor that supports the arm (as distinct from the thumb) instruction set (or more correctly, supports both).
ST does make processors like that, for example their STM32MP157 has two processor cores - one is an arm cortex M4 that can only execute thumb. But the other is an arm cortex A7 which can run in either Armv7-A or Thumb2. So you'b be able to use that switch with that processor-core on that mpu.
Hope this helps,
2021-02-22 5:10 AM
It seems CM4 only supports the Thumb instruction set... seems I'm too used to my old ARM7TDMI which supported both ARM and Thumb so I was surprised not to have the option to go for ARM instructions, I thought it was an IDE limitation and not an architecture limitation.