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Thread awareness debugging in FreeRTOS [STM32CubeIDE 1.1.0 has a bug for using "-rtos FreeRTOS" on ST-LINK(OpenOCD)].

Associate III

In STM32CubeIDE 1.0.2, after I added '-c "$_TARGETNAME configure -rtos FreeRTOS"' to 'OpenOCD Options', I could debug FreeRTOS's target with threading mode.

But, in STM32CubeIDE 1.1.0, even if I set same settings to 'OpenOCD Options', I could not debug with threading mode. In this version, openocd outputs 'Error: No symbols for FreeRTOS'.

Could you please check about this?


@Brian TIDAL_O​  Is there any plan to add 'proper' FreeRTOS thread-aware debugging in a future release of STM32Cube IDE ? (as in what has been discussed in this thread).

HI Nathan,

on this topic, I am just a user of FreeRTOS within STM32CubeIDE, so I am sorry to not have specific information about future releases.



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