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The codes "Download Verified Successfully" but Led of STM32 dont blink, why?

Associate II

0693W00000JMI5dQAH.pngI do everything like videos but my stm32 don't blink with Cube IDE. By the way its working with Arduino IDE. What is the problem? Thanks for replies.

Associate II

Have you tried to reset your microcontroller after uploading code? If you are using a nucleo board simply press reset button (also make sure it runs on newest firmware).

Associate II

Yes i reset microcontroller, changed cables, reset my PC but it didnt change.

ST Employee

Hello there!

You could try to clean the project (right click -> clean project) in the Project Explorer view. Also, with STM32CubeProgrammer standalone you could connect to the board and clean it to be 100% certain that the flash is cleaned before the new debug session.

STM32CubeProgrammer standalone is available for free here.

Associate II

Can this problem happen because of my st link ?

I did the things that you say but anything changed.

What board are you using? Maybe if I have one in the office I can create a project which works for me and send it to you.

STM32F103C8 ( Blue Pill) and St-link Mini Sir. I tried program with Cube IDE.

Pleas show your pin configuration window, how GPIOs are configured. Also check if LED_GPIO_Port and LED_Pin are connected to the LED on the board you use.

What video are you using as a guide?

There's an example project available for STM32F103RB-Nucleo in the STM32Cube_FW_F1_V1.8.4 with a LED toggle which should be able to show you how it's done since they seem to be pretty similar boards.