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strange behaviour on STM32Cube IDE 1.9.0. In the debugging mode,if I wanted "step into" the function within the switch statement it just skip and does not "step into" the function. It is very strange. Any one can help this. very much appreciated. Thanks

Associate II

Not clear what part you're using.

Would suggest you turn OFF optimization if you want more linear-flow of code.

Perhaps generate a disassembly or code vs assembler, and WALK that to understand the flow/expectations.

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Thank you for the reply. much appreciated. I am using the ST link v2 debugger. I am new to the STM32 Cube IDE where can I find to turn OFF optimization. And how do I generate disassembly. I have written in c using HAL libraries.

I managed to turn off optimization but still happening. It just skip and does not "step into" the function within switch statement

What part are you using?

The GNU tools should be able to generate listing files as part of the compilation / build process. Check available options.

Perhaps use objcopy or fromelf, if necessary.

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Thank you for the reply. I am using STM32CubeIDE version 1.9.0 which has a MCU GCC compiler. I am using that compiler. I cant find on there to generate listing files.

Yes, you said that already, but in a dozen posts you haven't identified the "STM32" that you're using.

Some of the F7's use a core with debug/stepping issues.

These aren't my tools, there should either be a check box, or a means to insert command line options.

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C/C++ Build


MCU Post Build Outputs

Generate List File

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