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STM32H563 Makefile Project breakpoint failed to stop



Currently I don't know why my cube ide could not stop at some breakpoints that I set on the IDE.

About my project, I imported a makefile project on Cube IDE, then I set up the build and debug configuration, all the things work except the break points that are set was somehow never stopped.

I am 100% sure that the program run over the command (in this case a string was printed on a console).

The disable all breakpoint option is also disabled.

The program run normally, it also stopped at main at the beginning.

I could hit the pause button and the FW stopped at certain command.

My optimization cas currently -O0.  I also able to debug/set breakpoint under vscode (WSL) and eclipse (VM Machine). But these two are somewhat limited for my personal PC.

I also try to install extension of eclipse (Embedded JLink...), but this option is then fixed to use gdb instead of arm-none-eabi-gdb.


What could be the potential problem? What option should I check so that the cube IDE works just like eclipse?

By the way, the Stm32cube Programmer (2.17.0) does not seem to work on the cortex M33 (STM32H563) with Jlink yet. is there a workaround for that?


ST Employee

Hello @Khoa ,

This post has been escalated to the ST Online Support Team for additional assistance. 

We'll contact you directly.

