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STM32F1xx DALI slave interface

Associate II

Hi everyone,

I downloaded the DALI Slave Library from here: and now I am trying to run the demo code on my STM32F103C8T6.

The problem I am encountering is that the source code has a few commands that the STM32CubeIDE does not recognize like:

- EXTI_InitTypeDef

- NVIC_InitTypeDef

The code is from 2012, was there a change in syntax, am I using the wrong compiler or is there something else I am missing?

Thanks for your help 🙂


It probably uses SPL, the predecessor to Cube.


Associate II

Thanks so much, for the fast response. It seems like every time I start a project in the STM32CubeIDE, it automatically sets up the HAL drivers... Is there a way to load the SPL instead?

Probably no. I don't use CubeIDE. However, it should be possible to start a "naked" project with no libraries, and just import whatever files you need (including SPL).