2022-05-03 7:12 PM
Clock source: Internal
Master/Slave Mode: Disabled (Trigger input not delayed)
Trigger Event Selection: Update Event
Slave Mode: Trigger Mode
Trigger Source: ITR1
TIM2 counts up like it should, but TIM3 doesn't count the over flow, but has increasing numbers that don't make sense.
What am I doing wrong?
All the example I could find don't use the IDE/MX and I couldn't figure out how to map the registers to the HAL names.
Thanks in advance!
2022-05-03 7:44 PM
You want external clock mode 1, not trigger mode.
See "Using one timer as prescaler for another timer" in the reference manual.
2022-05-04 6:29 AM
Thank you, THANK YOU!!!
I was thinking external clock on a pin, not external to the timer, but internal to the F105.