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STM32CubeMX perspective is broken under STM32CubeIDE on Ubuntu 18.04

Associate II

I can't get the STM32CubeMX perspective to work reliably when running STM32CubeIDE on an Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machine. I always get the pinout view of the device, but the left pane of device features doesn't draw, neither does the row of tabs at the top (should say Pinout & Config, Clock config, Project Manager, Tools). Lots of other stuff works, such as the board selector and compiler, so I doubt it's related to running on a VM.

I've tried many variations:

·        Ubuntu 20.04 (although that's not listed in the versions tested by ST, whereas 18.04 is claimed to work)

·        Different JVMs including the latest OpenJDK 8, OpenJDK 11, Oracle JDK 8, editing stm32cubeide.ini as appropriate and confirming that they're in use through the Installation Details dialog

·        Windows and Mac OS hosts

·        Different RAM sizes.

·        Upgrading GTK

The problem can always be reproduced by creating a freshly installed Ubuntu 18.04 virtual machine.

·        Create a new Virtualbox VM from Ubuntu 18.04 .iso, 64-bit, 4GB RAM, 20GB hard drive.

·        Allow Ubuntu to install on the guest, minimal installation, typical defaults.

·        Allow the guest to install any available updates.

·        Install guest additions

·        Install STM32CubeIDE 1.3.0 Debian bundle from ST.

·        cd /opt/st/stm32cubeide_1.3.0

·        sudo ./stm32cubeide

·        Accept default workspace path

·        The Information centre shows, but wait for it to discover pending updates. It finds an update to version 1.3.1, allow it to install.

·        Manually restart STM32CubeIDE so you can run as sudo. It displays version 1.3.1.

·        File / New STM32 Project. The STM32 target selector downloads a heap of stuff and displays correctly. Use the board selector to create a new project for a Nucleo F072 board, project name = test1, default options.

·        The firmware package downloads and the project is created, but the STM32CubeMx perspective is broken and unusable. The java process consumes 100% CPU time and continues to do so until I quit STM32CubeIDE. I suspect it’s entering some infinite loop.


On the same VM I can install the standalone STM32CubeMX and it works every time (with openjdk-8).

In STM32CubeIDE the board selector, editor and compiler all work perfectly so I doubt it’s anything to do with any of the VM settings or a broken Ubuntu installation. In any case I’ve tried reinstalling Ubuntu a few times and it’s always the same result.

Cartu38 OpenDev
Lead II

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