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STM32CubeIDE user interface freezing in Ubuntu 22.04 Wayland session

Associate II


I would like to report that STM32CubeIDE is freezing when running on Wayland session.

The solution I found is to start Ubuntu in a X session.

Best regards,


Associate II

When does the crash occur? Just after starting or after a while?

I installed the generic linux version and have no problems. There is a startup script named stm32cubeide_wayland with following content:


basedir=$(dirname "$BASH_SOURCE")
export GDK_BACKEND=x11
export GTK_THEME=Adwaita
"$basedir"/stm32cubeide "$@"


The line export GTK_THEME=Adwaita was inserted by me to make the theme work. Give it a try. 


It is not that the IDE crashes, but it stops updating the window, so it freezes and it is impossible to work with it.

The configuration in which this happens is:


It works fine in X11


Associate II

Ok, I will try your solution


The STM32CubeIDE uses this shortcut:




Associate II

take a look at the contents of the file that you have marked in the screenshot. It has the same name than the file I mentioned. You can open it in your preferred text editor (e.g. kate). Does it have the export GDK_BACKEND=x11 entry? If not, add it. 

After which time the IDE  stops working? 

Since CubeIDE is based on Eclipse IDE, maybe there is the problem? Could not find information about this. 

I tried your solution (adding Adwaita theme) but it doesn't work.

The file already contained GDK_BACKEND=x11 theme entry.

STM32CubeIDE stops working randomly normally when I switch the Window back to STM32CubeIDE after working in another window.

I am falling back to X11 and it works flawlessly.