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STM32CubeIDE stops working after waking up on debian/ubuntu

Associate II

I've had this problem for months now, in Debian 12/13(and Ubuntu 20.04), if I suspend my PC while STM32CubeIDE(1.12 to 1.14, both generic linux and debian versions) is running, when I wake up the PC and log in, STM32CubeIDE is completely freezed, I don't get any pop ups or warnings. The OS keeps workling perfectly, but the IDE doesn't respond, if I want to keep using it I have to kill the java process and reopen it, which has lead me to losing some work 2-3 times. I haven't found a report like this anywhere, am I doing something wrong? If not, is there a fix for this? Will I have to wait for next version to release?


Hello Tizio1234,

it also happens to me from time to time, but not so frequently and not systematic therefore hard to reproduce...

You can try to exit STM32CubeIDE, cleanup your workspace then relaunch it and check whether it is more stable :

rm -rf ~STM32CubeIDE/workspace_1.14.0/.metadata/.plugins