2020-06-17 5:54 AM
I started working with STM32CubeIDE recently. I use STM32f407VET6. I am having an error with the printf () function. When I call the function, the program will jump to HardFault_Handler (void). I have redirected the function using ITM_SendChar (* ptr ++) ;. When I made the error correction I noticed that the program calls puts instead instead of printf (). .
help me please
2020-06-17 8:21 AM
Do not replace printf. Replace __io_putchar or _write.
> I noticed that the program calls puts instead instead of printf
This is normal, GCC compiler does this when the printf format is a simple string.
-- pa
2020-06-18 1:04 AM
Yes, I replaced the _write function above. But the program never went into the _write function.
2020-06-20 12:19 AM
Probably stack size to small.
2020-06-22 9:20 AM
how to increase task size??