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STM32CubeIDE generates high CPU load (Win7)

Associate II


I installed STM32CubeIDE (Version: 1.1.0, Build: 4551_20191014-1140 (UTC)) on my laptop (Win7, 64bit). The installation path is "C:\tools\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.1.0\STM32CubeIDE"

As soon as I start the IDE the CPU load on my laptop the CPU load goes up to the maximum. In the ressourcemonitor this process needs most of the CPU: svchost.exe (DcomLaunch).

And in Services the most CPU load has: PugPlay from Group DcomLaunch. Details see the screenshot.

I tried alread 2 things:

  1. Use another JAVA version by adding the VM setting (-vm C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_231\bin) in the stm32cubeide.ini.
  2. Increase the heap size of the IDE by modifying Xmx setting (-Xmx2048m) in the stm32cubeide.ini.

Attached also the log from my workspace (.log, .ide.log).

Any ideas what causes this high CPU load?

ST Employee

Have you had other version of CubeIDE installed where the behavior is different? Does it continue with the high CPU load or is it only during launch? Any anti-virus programs that interfere in the background?

Associate II

I didn't have installed other versions of CubeIDE before. I had a installation of STM32CubeMX once before. CubeMX is now deinstalled and after that I did the installation of CubeIDE. But maybe there are still files somwhere from old CubeMX installation.

Anti-virus I have but I have to check with my IT department first before stopping or changing anything.

Associate II

The high CPU load does continue. I had running CubeIDE over night and the next morning the CPU load was still very high.

ST Employee

That seems odd.

An old MX installation shouldn't affect the CubeIDE.

There's most likely a new version of CubeIDE out later today, could you try that and see if the behavior continues?

Associate II

We got it to run. The solution was to change the windows display language from German to English.

My workmates analysis that the command

"C:\Windows\System32\wbem\wmic.exe" path Win32_PNPEntity WHERE "Name LIKE '%(COM%'" get Name,Manufacturer /format:rawxml

was taking around 7s (with German language). This command was called every 4s from the IDE so the CPU load arises up to 100%.


just move STM32CubeIDE\plugins\* away,may solve this problem.

�� Maybe solving high level the issue ... but i would not recommend at all to play with product integrity .... you are not mastering at all side effect of product components removal .... According to me be carefull ...