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stm32CubeIDE for Mac is stuck on "Checking for Updated files"

Associate II

In OSX when i click "Start new STM32 project" the IDE0690X000008wVPTQA2.png is stuck on displaying Checking for updated files. Nothing happens except the bar moves back and forth.

In Windows on the same computer (through parallels desktop) everything works and the IDE downloads new files and continues. Any ideas on this?

ST Employee

You can uncheck the "STM32CubeIDE" line from the Available Software Sites in Preferences as a workaround. Or at least that's what other users have told me works, so hopefully it will for you too.

I haven't ran into this on my test mac yet but I've seen a few reports about it.

Associate II

Thank you Markus. I had to disable Eclipse Repository as well but this workaround lets me get into target selection and the rest works.

BR Tomas


I have the same issue, disabling both doesn't help.


I'm having the same problem (STM32CubeIDE 1.02, OSX 10.14.5).

I had to change firmware updates to "Manual" as well.


Associate II

Any news on this? Disabling updates ​seems a bit backward on a new product.




I just took a look at the ticket.

Latest update is that we've finally managed to reproduce this systematically which previously we could not do. That discovery was too close to the release of 1.0.2 so a fix was decided to be postponed for that release. My guess is that it will be looked at for the next release.

I just downloaded version 1.1.0, dated October 14, and it still has the problem with the STM32CubeIDE update site.

Do you have an updated estimate on when this might be fixed.

This is not a very good first impression coming to ST products.

+1 that this is a poor first impression. This is the second error I have had to find a work around for, just to get to the point of the software working. This and the is damaged issue on OSX really needs to be sorted out. I suspect you are losing customers who just give up.