2019-09-12 2:58 AM
Hello everybody,
I just recently installed CubeIDE on my Mac and Windows systems. On both Code Proposals for thinks like HAL functions or user defined functions does not work. Do you know if there's a chance to change that?
I already activated all kind of proposals in the Eclipse preferences. (C/C++ -> Editor -> Content Assist -> advanced)
thanks for your support!
2022-06-06 5:54 AM
Hi, @HReet !
You can use the 'Ctrl+Space' combination to open code proposals. When you use '.', '->' or '::' it opens automatically. When typing, for example, a function name, you will have to trigger it manually using 'Ctrl+Space'.
2022-06-06 1:54 PM
The thing that you're asking about is called Code Completion (not "proposals").
As the CubeIDE user guide says, this is a feature of Eclipse and explanation how to use it can be found in Eclipse CDT documentation.
Basically, right click on the project, select Index-> rebuild.
If this does not help, open the settings and check indexer options (especially max. file size that the indexer supports, this affects indexing of huge STM32 library .h files)
"Content Assist" is something different, it is for source constructs like for/while cycles, switch, etc.