2019-05-01 8:34 AM
I'm sure it's something silly and I can't believe I'm the only person who has seen this message but searching this site doesn't yield any clues. Can someone point me to what I am setting up wrong, presumably in the Debug Configuration menu ?
2020-01-31 8:00 AM
Two things to check if you experience this problem:
I hope this solves the issues for some of you.
2020-02-01 12:26 AM
Thanks for the input. Sometime I see such gdb fail message, click a source file in project, open it, and sometime recovers. Probably related to how eclipse guess the user's context? with 1.21k views, this topic seems of interest to users.
2020-02-03 10:02 AM
Thanks mattias for the detailed info!
That's very helpful to better understand what's going on.
2020-02-06 1:00 PM
Hello, I get the same error, after change my debug configutation, it sems that it works... I don't know why... but works.
2020-02-09 11:15 PM
I agree . I have just come across the same problem, and cant seem to fix it.
I have even reinstalled gdb and pointed eclipse/Cubeide at it and still get launching failed.
The .gdbinit file does not seem to exist either.
Really buggy, before you even get any of your own bugs.
Please help.
2020-02-21 11:42 AM
I also ran into this issue after a couple days of everything working. This worked for me:
Select Project/Properties and select Run/Debug Settings. Delete all of the Launch configurations listed. Click Apply and Close.
The next time you try and debug, the Debug As dialog will pop up, select the STM32 Cortex-M C/C++ Application. That should fix it.
Until the next time it happens and you need to do all this again.
2020-02-21 12:16 PM
I run into this problem, after cubeIDE crashed and had to be canceled with task-manager.
>"Looks like you don't have it pointed to the correct exe. In the "Debugger" tab give full path of the gdb.exe(Windows machine) of the cross compiler that you might have
> installed as the "GDB command"."
I have no idea, where to find this tab! All configurations I looked through, there was no path to be edited.
What's really weared: When I setup a new project, this error this error does not occure at the new project. So, the crashing IDE must have overwritten something within the project, I'm unable to find out.
With the new project, GDB seems to work, but after the crash I'm no longer able to porgramm the nucleo-64 board. I do get a "Error Programming Flash Memory". Really frustrating, as no solution in sight!
2020-02-21 1:41 PM
To ST Employees
This is 9 months since I posted this problem and it's obvious many users are still having it. It's not affecting everybody, but once you have the problem it takes a lot of effort to fix it. I accept this is free software and you get what you pay for, but it's causing a lot of people a lot of grief.
Can't someone in the software development team look at this issue and fix it properly ? In fact is there an official issue tracking system for CubeIDE we can at least view so we know the problem is known about ?
2020-02-23 5:21 AM
You can follow this tutorial in order to install and point to gdb.
2020-02-24 3:29 AM
Sent you an e-mail for further discussion. So far we have found some different root-causes leading to the same symptoms/problem. But beyond the fixes we mentioned here, we have not been able to reproduce the problem in other ways. Let's see if we can narrow the problem down on your PC via e-mail.