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STM32CubeIDE 1.3.0 on STM32H7 with 1.7.0 library and FREERTOS will corrupt source code

Associate III

Hi, using STM32CubeIDE 1.3.0 and the last libraries for H7 and FREERTOS, I have found a very big issue, when you edit the name of one existing TASK and you generate source code again, the new project is a working project, but has many parts of code removed or not completed, so the resulting compiled code is not working anymore. Using a WinMerge utility to diff files show me many source code is wrong generated! Can someone of ST investigate the issue?

Has someone the same user experience?

Best regards

Associate III

Also deleting an empty TASK will corrupts the source code!

Associate III

There are also other issues, I can't understand very well what happen, but when I generate code the file stm32h7xx_it.c and stm32h7xx_it.h changes and for example the routine for TIM7 (used by sysM7 for RTOS) will disappear. Look the attached diff from a working file and a corrupted file

Associate III

Look the attached IOC file, it generates a wrong project files! Look the _IT.c files the last 2 interrupt routines are generated wrong!

It's crazy! For me It's impossible to use the CubeMX or the IDE, are completely user less.

No one from ST that can give an answer?