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STM32CubeIDE 1.10.1 is not able to connect to Network. Can anyone tell me what maybe the problem?

Associate II

stm32cubeide is working fine in my office laptop, but not in my personal laptop.

Even though STM32CubeIDE is allowed to communicate through windows firewall I'm getting network error.

"Help > Eclipse Market place" native Eclipse feature is able to fetch material from outside world.

i tried "Windows > Preferences > STM32Cube > Firmware Updater" preference page and tried pushing "Check Connection" button .. here check connection fails.

Someone has asked the same question and I followed the instructions in the thread and I posted my query in that thread. but i got no response there. that's y I'm asking the same question as a new thread.

can u please help me sorting this out...

Chief II

in Win all these problems coming from firewall or missing "rights" .

try start the IDE as admin, with admin rights...

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Associate II

i tried starting the IDE as admin. still having the same issue