2022-11-17 9:45 PM
stm32cubeide is working fine in my office laptop, but not in my personal laptop.
Even though STM32CubeIDE is allowed to communicate through windows firewall I'm getting network error.
"Help > Eclipse Market place" native Eclipse feature is able to fetch material from outside world.
i tried "Windows > Preferences > STM32Cube > Firmware Updater" preference page and tried pushing "Check Connection" button .. here check connection fails.
Someone has asked the same question and I followed the instructions in the thread and I posted my query in that thread. but i got no response there. that's y I'm asking the same question as a new thread.
can u please help me sorting this out...
2022-11-17 11:59 PM
in Win all these problems coming from firewall or missing "rights" .
try start the IDE as admin, with admin rights...
2022-11-18 1:25 AM
i tried starting the IDE as admin. still having the same issue