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Some issues with STM32CubeIDE and STM32H747

Associate II

1) In all of the examples the project explorer shows the CM7 code greyed and crossed out because "exclude from build" is checked. It is clearly not excluded from the build as this is the main code for the example. I presume this is some fiddle to allow eclipse to work with dual core processors but it is very confusing! Could you explain this?

2) In these examples main.h (and other include files) do not appear anywhere in the project explorer window yet they do exist and clearly used. What is going on here? If i need to view or edit the include files I need to resort to file manager.

3) For all of the examples you give project fies for IAR, Keil, and System Workbench but not for your own STM32CubeIDE. Why do you support third party tools and not your own?


include files typically don't appear in project trees, the inclusion is incidental, and determined by walking the dependencies, impacted by preprocessor defines and include paths.

Keil and IAR are professional tools, and significantly more effort went into building and testing them across a very wide array of targets.​

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CM7 is excluded from the CM4 build, and vice-versa. You likely have the CM4 configuration active.

main.h clearly exists. Here it is for one of them:

Maybe you're not looking in the right spot.

STM32CubeIDE came after these other tools and the examples haven't caught up. The "Example Selector" in CubeMX will load them for you, however. Pretty sure the SW4STM32 project file can be opened in CubeIDE without issue.

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