2019-07-02 9:26 AM
There are some problems with the repeatition counter (TIMX_RCR).
The problem occurs when I enable the OPM setting to use the feature and enter a 16 bit value in the RepetitionCounter setting.
I think that it is correct to change uint8_t RepetitionCounter declared in LL_TIM_InitTypeDef structure to uint16_t.
I'm a newcomer, so I don't know if it's right to report a bug here.
I wish somebody moved it to a suitable place.
Thank you.
2019-07-02 9:31 AM
16-bit Repetition Count in STM32G4 @Nawres GHARBI
2019-07-02 10:45 AM
RCR bit with depends on TIMX. Width is 8 bit for TIM15/16/17 and 16 bit for TIM1/8/20
2019-07-02 6:37 PM
Thank you for your reply.
You are right.
The problem occurred when using TIM1.