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Project from the STUSB1602 software library doesn't work as expected on the NUCLEO-F072RB Board


I am using an NUCLEO-F072RB Board with an STUSB1602 Type-C Controller Expansion Board. 

I have the following 2 issues after I flashed it with the Project "STM32F072_MB1303_DRP_2PORTS" from the STSW-STUSB010 Library:

1. If there is no USB-C Cable connected to either Port, the Blue LEDs D100 and D103 blink three times a intended. The issues appear when I connect a Source or Sink.

The Orange LEDs D105 and D102, which are supposed to show me the orientantion of the cable, keep blinking two times even if I change the orientation. Instead it seems that the Blue LEDs change their blinking pattern depending on the cables orientation.

So I thought that both LEDs are switched but the Orange LEDs never change their blinking pattern. 

2. When I try to access the Port status with the CLI (PuTTY) it shows me the following output everytime I Press the B2 Button:



I use the following Settings:

Baudrate: 115200 

Data bit: 8 

Parity: none 

Stop bit: 1 

Hardware Flow Control: None 


I got the library and code from the official Website

As stated in the Readme I importet the Project "STM32F072_MB1303_DRP_2PORTS" into the STM32CubeIDE.

I am using the Version 1.10.1 of the STM32CubeIDE.

Best Regards and Thank you in advance.

ST Employee


I just reproduced what you described: i'll check and come back.

About CLI, there no 'CLI out' like demo code embedded into fresh board, that's why you cannot get trace.

You can use to get message traces.

Best regards


Hi, I run in the same error like SKaiba. I flash the provided image files from the webside. I have STM32F072 -> MB1136 C-04 and STUSB1602 -> MB1303 B-04.

Can I get a copy of the demo binary that shipped with the board that has working CLI capabilities. We are just beginning to evaluate the parts and did not know that programming from compiled project would remove this feature. Thanks!

Here is binary which was initially flashed.

Best regards


Thank you!!