‎2021-02-28 12:20 PM
I am using Nucleo-F103RB board. I have some simple code with one LED, it is compiled and runs okay on this board, so I am trying to test debugging as an exercise for me, but It doest't work at all :(
The CubeIDE thinks that my devboard is not connected, but it IS connected (view from STM32 ST-Link Utility):
ST-Link is updated (view from STM32 ST-Link Utility again):
SN from ST-Link Utility just rewrited to CubeIDE:
Ho to fix it?:c
‎2021-02-28 12:30 PM
Target run but not able debug ? Did you run from IDE ? if yes means IDE has been able to flash it so IDE known device.
Able to see if Debugger tab of debug configuration you're relyin gon a dedicated S/N. Is such the one of board you're trying to connect to ? Let' try "Scan" button ... one or more S/N found ? ... if only one maybe better to uncheck specific ST-link S/N.
Dedicated S/N is useful if more than one device connected to USB helping to point to right one so.
Avoid to get both STLink utility and IDE connected to same device ...
If none of such ... let's reboot your host I guess then have a new try.
‎2021-02-28 12:41 PM
1) I am not sure if I understand correctly (my fault), but I always do these steps:
1: adding 2 options available: Convert to binary file and convert to hex file
2: open ST-Link Utility, connect with Nucleo and program (hex and bin are always available in Debug folder of the project - I don't know why
3: Program (load hex to ST-Link Utility) and the project runs okay
and 4: right now could be a debugging step. I click F11 ("Debug") and an error appears ;c
2) S/N is scanned automatically in CubeIDE - only one number appears
3) Avoid to get both STLink utility and IDE connected to same device
Why? :c Does it mean that both can't run at the same time?
4) rebooted host so many times :c I think that I did something wrong in Debug configurations, but don't know what.
‎2021-02-28 12:52 PM
Pretty sure STLink utility and IDE can't be connected to same device at same time (once connected access is locked)
By the way STLink utility usage is useless if playing with IDE ... IDE has full capabities
‎2021-02-28 1:07 PM
Ok, didn't know that :c But without STLink Utility, Debug F11 gives another error.
‎2021-02-28 1:18 PM
Try another port just in case
If helping means still some background session running ... I would advice to clean a bit ...
Even if not helping have a look to debug view ... all process should be ternimated state prior initiating a new one
‎2021-03-01 2:53 PM
Not helping unfortunately:C Maybe I could ask what should I see if everything is okk and debugging starts correctly?