2020-11-15 7:39 AM
Help! I have been experimenting with STM32CubeIDE and a STM32H747i-Disco board for a few weeks now. All was going well, I was able to compile, modify and debug code. Then something went wrong and I had to re-install STM32CubeIDE, now I can't seem to link the IDE with the toolchains.
2020-11-15 8:09 AM
AC6 is the old (abandoned) SW4STM32 IDE. Seems like it's detecting that instead of the STM32CubeIDE toolchain. I would uninstall SW4STM32, or change the toolchain using the dropdown.
I don't see a "Tool Chain Editor" page in my IDE. Are you on the latest version (1.4.2)?
2020-11-15 8:18 AM
Thanks for the prompt reply but...
Which of the many compiler choices is the "STM32Cube" toolchain ?
The 'make' options are limited to 'Gnu make builder' and 'CDT Internal builder' neither of which seems acceptable to the build process
2020-11-15 8:38 AM
Not real sure. I don't have "Tool Chain Editor" option which is why I asked if you were on the latest version. Here's the closest thing I can find in my project. As you can see, there are several differences. Perhaps the project wasn't imported/translated correctly and still points to outdated SW4STM32 stuff.
Maybe creating a new debug configuration would solve the issue.