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NUCLEO-G474RE - Failed to start GDB server

Associate III


I can create a simple program in STM32CubeIDE V1.17.0 targeting the NUCLEO-G474RE board. I can build ok but am having problems with the GDB server starting. 

JP5 is set to 5V_USB_STLK and JP (BOOT0) is off. I can do the ST-Link Upgrade without problem, so the USB cable and powering is ok.

I select Run>Run As>STM32 C/C++ Application and get the following. 


STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 7.9.0

Copyright (c) 2024, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved.


Starting server with the following options:

Persistent Mode : Disabled

Logging Level : 1

Listen Port Number : 61234

Status Refresh Delay : 15s

Verbose Mode : Disabled

SWD Debug : Enabled


ST-LINK Failed to get target status


Error in initializing ST-LINK device.

Reason: Unknown. Please check power and cabling to target.