2022-09-08 6:22 AM
I am getting the following error. It was building successfully a short time ago but after I copied a folder to another folder, its giving me the error. If anyone can please help me with this?
I shall be very thankful.
make: *** No rule to make target 'D:/_Tauheed's Voltage Data/STM/Repository/en.stm32cubewl_v1.0.0/STM32Cube_FW_WL_V1.0.0/Utilities/trace/adv_trace/stm32_adv_trace.c', needed by 'Utilities/stm32_adv_trace.o'. Stop.
2022-09-11 11:00 PM
Hello there,
What was the folder that you changes to another folder? Is it possible that it was the _Tauheed's Voltage Data part?
My guess is that the ' sign as well as the space in the name could cause problems when building.