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Live Expression stopped working "Failed to evaluate expression" For 2 years I have been using STM32CubeIDE debugging with Live Expression view without any problems. Starting Oct 2022 I only get "Failed to...."

wvan .1

This only happens to new variables added to my C code after Oct 2022. "Old" variables still work fine. When I add failing variables to the "Expression" tab I get "Error: Multiple errors reported". Reported are:

Multiple errors reported.

1) Failed to execute MI command:

-var-create - * HelloWorld

Error message from debugger back end:

-var-create: unable to create variable object

2) Unable to create variable object

3) Failed to execute MI command:

-data-evaluate-expression HelloWorld

Error message from debugger back end:

No symbol "HelloWorld" in current context.

4) Failed to execute MI command:

-var-create - * HelloWorld

Error message from debugger back end:

-var-create: unable to create variable object

Does anyone have an idea? Looks like the debugger is not getting resources from Windows. I use 1.10.1 Build 12716_20220707_0928 (UTC)

Windows 11 Pro version 22H2

ST Employee

Hello @wvan .1​ 

First let me thank you for posting.

Could you please provide the GDB client and server log, so I be able to further analyze the issue.

Kind regards,


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Chief II

i have similar problem: in debug / beakpoint no more variables shown at all ! shows declaration as if its in C editor mode. live expressions also no more working...just error msg.


0693W00000WIB43QAH.pngand blue -> detail:

0693W00000WIB4DQAX.pngis still same, when on OpenOCD instead of ST-LINK GDB-server.

problem maybe here:

0693W00000WIB6xQAH.png or here, the root of all evil ?

0693W00000WIBMqQAP.png and view expressions is now :


what can i do now , to get it working again ?

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Chief II

Java in linux system seem ok, all up to date.

$ java -version

openjdk version "1.8.0_332"

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mattias norlander
ST Employee

To analyze this further we need full log-files. Not only screenshots.

  • GDB traces
  • ST-LINK GDB server log-file

Is it even possible for you to share the projects with us? Would they be possible to run on an ST board? ... Hard to re-produce this issue!

What if you create a new debug configuration in the project with issues?

What if you create a new project, do you still have the same problem?

If same issue in a new project, then what if you change workspace?

Same problem? Re-installation of CubeIDE?

... Trying to go from a narrow scope to a wider scope to understand the issue.

Kind regards, Mattias

Chief II

thx for your answer , Mattias .

-- even hard to describe all the "symptoms". ��


just some "impressions" from last days:

  • debug session start is/was at "main" (default). now it shows a line in startup.s file -- but running.
  • switching from "C/C++" to Cube/configuration perspective was always perfect (on this linux system), now looks like IDE "forgot" something: switch to xx.ioc file opens big window for Cube/configuration perspective, renders chip picture and left menu - then switch back to "C/C++" perspective , but showing chip/Cube in center "C" editor window. click on "MX" then opens big Cube window again, as it did before. (since CubeIDE 1.0.0. to 1.10.1 Build: 12716_20220707_0928 it worked without such problem ).
  • opening an old (test) project, with F303 cpu, nothing changed, just click "debug" , shows same behaviour : debug running, but on stop cannot see actual variables, just declaration, as in "C/C++" perspective.
  • so seems not a problem with the H743 project, more a problem in IDE /java scripts.
  • maybe has any relation to the problem, that came after update to CubeIDE 1.10.1 : no more building , just error msg. see here:

 i installed older toolchain (gnu-tools-for-stm32.9-2020-q2-update), then working again.

i suppose, this actual problem is not to reproduce, because something happened in the IDE, similar a crash. I closed IDE , restart, looks ok. But was not really ok....

next i try to find some log files... and as test: make new project, as you recommend.

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Chief II

ok, big problem found : sitting at keyboard . ��

for a speed test, i changed in a test project many optimizer and other setting, just also debug:

0693W00000WIQP1QAP.pngfor some (idiot) reason, seems all projects got changed settings.... so turn to standard:

0693W00000WIQPaQAP.pngnow variables shown in debug session again and start at "main" again.

other (small) problems with curious window switching in IDE still there.

need a beer now.

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wvan .1

Dear Matthias, Ascha3,

Thanks for responding to my question on this forum. Un fortunately I am not able to share the code/project in which this problem occurred. I have however the following additional remarks:

  1. I was using a 'blue pill' as hardware (STM32F103C8T6)
  2. I could circumvene the problem by initializing the variables in the 'user code 2' section (in main just before while(1) section). If I initialize the varibles in the declaration itself ('User code PV' ) the problem remains.
  3. In a later, completely new started project, i do not have this problem.
  4. As already mentioned I am using Windows 10, not Linux.

I am not a proficient SDK specialist and do not know how to extract the GDB log files.

Friendly regards Willem