2020-09-10 5:06 AM
In my STM32CubeIDE project, the source code and project file directories are different. The source files are available as linked folder. Therefore, I had made a manual configuration for the source file paths and include file paths. Some paths are relative and some are workspace paths.
Whenever I generate new source code from IOC file, it overwrites both source and include paths with its own generated paths.
Is there any option to control this behaviour? I dont mind which paths the tool itself generates along with the source code generations, however should not remove manually added paths from me.
Please let me know there is any solution/workaround for this.
I am using STM32CubeIDE v1.4.0 .
2020-11-12 5:02 AM
Thanks for your time and reply,
Well, my concern was more about the adding files procedure and how to add paths to the compiler and the linker.
Since my previous message, I found out how to add files by importing them rather than copying them from their directory and pasting them in the project.
And for adding paths, I am doing it in Project>Properties>C/C++ build>Settings>Tool settings>MCU GCC Compiler>Include Paths
I think that might be the good way to include source files and their paths to avoid losing them as it happened to me lately.
I still have to understand the benefit of adding files or libraries to the linker and what kind of files/libraries must be added.